Why Leaders Must Stress Education And Transparency

Although the need for education and transparency is so often mentioned and discussed, we often witness many examples where in practice these essential components of being a real leader are not considered or utilized. It is important to focus on these needs, not only because it's the right thing to do, but because constituents deserve it, and great leaders motivate people to get more involved, care more, and bond to a greater degree with one's organization. Jan Carizon expressed it this way, "An individual without information cannot take responsibility; an individual who is given information cannot help but take responsibility."

Since it is the responsibility of an organization not simply to have followers, but to encourage and motivate some of these to become future leaders, doesn't it make sense to focus on becoming a better communicator? How can any leader effectively communicate if he doesn't emphasize comprehensively educating others to understand why the organization is meaningful enough for them to get more involved, and want to become involved in a leadership position?

However, unless this education is genuine and transparent, discussing not only the positive hype but the present and future needs and why future leaders must make their input, the group will eventually suffer and its impact will be diminshed.

1. Why is education so important? How can anyone understand why they should select a particular organization or cause to dedicate themselves to (especially considering how many causes are competing for their attention), unless there is an emphasize on thoroughly communicating. This can only occur when and if there is a focus on true learning derived from meaningful training. It is incumbent on every meaningful leader to attract others to care more, do more, and get more involved!

2. This process of education must not be merely an attempt to slant someone else's perspective in order to create a false sense of caring, or to attempt some sort of "brainwashing." Rather, it is only when this educational commitment is based on full disclosure and transparency, is their any attempt at a meaningful longer term impact and meaning. Transparent communication and education means openly letting others know what the realities are, without any attempt to bias or prejudice their opinion, by improperly filtering the facts.

The late founder of the once dynamic discount clothing firm, Syms, Sy Syms, used this as the company slogan, "An educated consumer is our best customer." Only when someone leads with an emphasis on really educating will he get the best longer term, sustainable results.